Shifting to a digital menu ensures physical(social) distancing, increases hygiene level & guests confidence, while driving more sales and brand love

No one expected 2020 to be the year that would turn the world upside down. In fact, it did more than that. With the current pandemic roaming our streets, we have to accept the fact that the way we do business will change radically.

As expected, the industry that has been severely hit is Hospitality. Practically, every business that deals with human contact and serves food or beverages needs to re-evaluate their business and come up with a better, safer way of providing their products.

More than 60% consumers are willing to avoid using a shared ordering tool like printed menus, kiosks or touch restaurants tablets

More than 55% of consumers are willing to use their own mobile devices to order and pay, more they did before corona-virus

More than 58% consumers are willing to order from mobile devices and pick-up the goods or serve at a dedicated table/area

* Source according to

Which is why introduces the DIGITAL MENU concept. If you already have a digital menu solution we integrate in seconds with Wiacom platform to let all your guests order directly from their mobile devices.

What is a Digital Menu?

A digital menu is a customized list of items offered by your business, available directly on your device of choice: mobile phone, tablet or laptop. It contains the name of your product, a brief description, the prices and of course, the important feature of ordering that particular product with pick-up in location or at your door(hotel room) delivery options

We’re saying goodbye to physical menus from now on and adopting its digital counterpart.

What industries can use a Digital Menu?

More than you would expect. We’ve taken into account restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels, shopping malls, proximity shops and many other venues owners are willing to digitize. Any of these industries can benefit from digitizing their services and in the long run, gain more trust from current and future customers.

Restaurants can generate new business using a digital menu. Clients can order & pay within 20 minutes in advance and serve the food at the table only when it’s ready to be served. Also, the restaurant can offer the digital menu as an alternative to those customers who want to avoid touching common surfaces.

Shopping Malls, for example, have the opportunity of attracting new customers should they start using their digital products catalogs. Imagine accessing the products catalog while enjoying a coffee, seeing the offers of a particular store in the mall, buying the products from the brand you love, and just picking-up the products from a specific point where safety measures are strictly respected. It’s all up to your preference!

Hotels can deliver a proximity base option to check-in without interacting with reception employees. Or, as a guest, you can order your meal directly from your room with a pick-up from kitchen or a special pick-up point designed on your floor. Hygiene at its highest level to increase your guests confidence.

What are the benefits of using a Digital Menu?

Limited contact and increased hygiene
Due to the current pandemic, we’re dealing with increased standards of hygiene and safety. The virus stays active for a long time on various surfaces which is why no one wants to touch a normal printed menu nor a tablet menu that has been passed around by hundreds of people. The risk decreases considerably when you only need to use your own phone by accessing a digital menu.
Customizable Menu at all times
You can offer a memorable experience to your clients by coming up with the most creative layouts and designs for your menus. Since the menu is digital, you are able to customize it whenever you want depending on the offers you have, the season and even the holidays.
Saving up on printing
Since we’re on the topic, it’s worth mentioning the money you’ll save on not having to print a menu ever again. Moreover, you have the possibility to adapt to customer preferences rapidly and make changes to your menu without any hassle.
Increasing efficiency with 45%
Waiting time will be cut by half since your customers won’t need to wait for their server to bring them a menu nor return to take their order. And if that isn’t enough to convince you, let us tell you that each digital menu is linked to an integrated POS system which means that customers will pay directly through the platform and you won’t have to bother with cash anymore.
Promote and Upsell
You know how servers usually inform you of the specials and you never quite remember them? Well, that problem is gone now because a digital menu can highlight any offers or products you want to promote or even introduce new items on the menu that are sure to catch your customers’ attention.
Boost sales up to 20%
Even if it’s daunting for business to invest in digital menus, there are proven merits to digitizing your item list. Restaurants who have already adopted this option have reported increased sales. Customers are attracted to better organized and informative menus and especially by the high-quality photos of food of beverages that convince customers to buy things they wouldn’t have under other circumstances.
24h Usability
Yes, you heard that right. As a business owner, you can modify your menu in real-time whenever and from wherever you want, may it be your home, the beach or even in the car. As long as you have an internet connection, you can manage your digital menu to its fullest potential.

It was only a matter of time until every business became fully digitized, the pandemic just sped things up and put matters in a completely new perspective. If you want your business to grow during these insecure times then we advise you to consider a digital menu.

Are your ready for business? Contact us!

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